Get certified in the Equity Sequence™️ for Sales

Make your work more equitable and inclusive one question and one decision at a time!

The Equity Sequence™ is an evidence-based practice designed to help you immediately contribute to making more equitable decisions, wherever you work, learn and play.

It uses a practical and data-driven framework that equips you to weave equity and inclusion into everyday life and work.

The course includes a compelling primer on bias and inequality, an introduction to the Equity Sequence™ questions, and then you practice the questions on real-world, case studies relevant to sales roles, before you have the opportunity to apply the Equity Sequence™ to something you're working on already.


With your registration, you will have lifetime access to:

  • the Equity Sequence™️ training program where, in under 2 hours - at your own pace - you will learn the 5 questions and practice applying them.
  • 1-on-1 coaching from the Tidal Equality team.
  • a community of peers who are also learning the Equity Sequence™️ who can offer support and feedback.
  • a certificate of completion and invitation to join an online forum where folks from across the world are applying the Equity Sequence™️ in their lives and work.

Tidal Equality is a strategy firm solving the problem of inequality at scale.

At Tidal Equality, we envision a world in which equality is the new status quo and all people can achieve their full potential.

From transformational conversations to transformative change, we equip people and organizations to build equality in radically new ways.

Quest Curriculum

  • 5 Levels
  • Coaching By Tidal Equality
  • Community Support
  • Level 01

    Setting the Stage

    In this level, you will meet your coaches, introduce yourself to your community of fellow #equitysequence #changemakers. Together, we will take a look at how bias and inequality impact our organizations and communities.

  • Level 02

    Equity Sequence™

    In this level you'll learn the research-backed Equity Sequence™️ questions in detail, and experience how they can be applied to reduce the bias and increase equity in a case example you can identify with as a person working in sales.

  • Level 03

    Practice Together

    In this level, you will choose a case study that resonates with you, and you will practice applying the Equity Sequence™️ to that sales-related scenario. You will have the opportunity to check in with your community of #changemakers to brainstorm, get support, and share your best ideas.

  • Level 04

    Your Turn

    In this level, you'll have the opportunity to apply the Equity Sequence™️ to your real-life decision-making and problem solving - a plan you're creating, policy you're writing, team you're convening, communication you're drafting, pitch you're designing - to reduce bias and increase equity.

  • Level 05

    Go Forth!

    In this level, you will reconnect with your community of #changemakers with a future-focus. You will share with each other your voluntary commitments to action and take advantage of the opportunity to collaborate with them and our team!

Start your Journey now

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Success Stories

  • Danielle Ferguson-Shivrattan

    It can be used by anyone!

    "The Equity Sequence™️ is a practical tool that can be used across the entire organization. Staff from any level, any department, and any project can easily utilize the Equity Sequence™️ to ensure we are being as fair and transparent as possible."

  • Bruce MacDonald

    I can translate intention into action!

    "We often talk about wanting to do things in a particular way, but the realities of busy work kick in and we simply replicate our previous patterns. With the Equity Sequence™️, we can translate that intention into real change by applying the questions in a thoughtful way. The impact of this will be long-term and widespread."

  • Nadia Al-Amir

    We can tap into new opportunities!

    "By asking the Equity Sequence™️ questions, we can tap so many more opportunities and possibilities for ourselves and our clients. We're missing out on so much when we rely too heavily on our existing ways."

  • Kelsey Beniasch

    It supports our values and business outcomes!

    "Using the Equity Sequence not only supports our personal and professional values, but also makes for simply better business and stronger ideas for our clients."

Start your Journey now

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